Ep. 296 Jacob Winograd Explores What Exactly We’re Supposed to Render to Caesar

Jacob Winograd is the creator of the Biblical Anarchy podcast under the auspices of the Libertarian Christian Institute. He joins Bob to discuss the famous passages from the New Testament where Christians are ostensibly told to pay their taxes and obey the government.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- The YouTube version of this interview.
- Jacob’s Biblical Anarchy Podcast.
- Jeff Barr’s article on rendering unto Caesar.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
Greg(ory) *Baus* and Kerry Baldwin, co-hosts of https://reformedlibertarians.com are also fans of the Bob Murphy Show. Check out our ep 02 in which we discuss the view of Romans 13 mentioned by Jacob. And keep your eye out for an upcoming ep of Biblical Anarchy Podcast in which we answer objections to that view.
The scriptures teach that everything above the Earth, every single living creature or thing on the Earth, and everything within the Earth, including all its gold, silver, and other precious metals and stones -every single person, place, and thing along with all things that can even be thought of, that can be conceived – all of it belongs to God. So if we are to give to God all things that belong to God, that means we give Him everything. And once we have given God everything then what is left over to be given to Caesar/the governments of the world?
Not even the coin Jesus was holding as the metal of which the coin was made came from within the Earth and everything within and on the Earth belongs to God. And since even that coin belongs to God then what is left for us to render unto Caesar? What is left for us to give to the governments of the world once all things which belong to God have been given to Him?