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Ep. 311 Sheldon Richman on Israel and the Libertarian Movement

Sheldon Richman is an OG of the libertarian cause. Among other positions, he is currently Executive Editor at the Libertarian Institute. He joins Bob to discuss the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and reflects on his decades in the movement.

Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:

About the author, Robert

Christian and economist, Chief Economist at infineo, and Senior Fellow with the Mises Institute.


  1. Scott Bieser on 03/04/2024 at 2:07 AM

    Great conversation.
    I’ve been around this whatchamcallit movement since 1976, and I think there HAS been some progress, but it’s a lot less than what we had all hoped for. But it’s still progress. Liberty not in my lifetime, or Sheldon’s or Bob’s, but maybe in another century or two. Which is good enough to keep at it — even if we don’t enjoy the shade of the trees we’ve planted, we were part of making those trees happen.

  2. Adam Haman on 03/13/2024 at 1:29 PM

    Sheldon has been one of my favorites in this movement for a long, long time. I’m very glad you had him on the show.

    As to persuading people towards liberty, it’s true that arguments alone rarely work. We need to reach people in their “feels” in order for our words to resonate. It’s something we are learning to do. Slowly, but we’re learning.

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