Ep. 346 Crossover: Adam Haman and Bob Murphy Discuss the Provocative LPNH Strategy

Adam Haman is a professional poker player and amateur libertarian. He and Bob inaugurate a crossover series where they discuss issues relevant to an Austrian crowd. In this episode the topic is the FBI visit to Jeremy Kauffman’s home.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- The YouTube version of this interview.
- The video of the FBI encounter with Kauffman.
- Adam’s post and Bob’s episode on the topic.
- Haman Nature
- Details for the 2024 ExPat Money Summit.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
I’ll say it, Bob.
They’re making our job harder. So stop it. The Libertarian brand doesn’t belong exclusively to the LPNH. They don’t get to impose their rhetorical style on everyone else.
Bob, your position / attitude implies that you think a significant percentage of adults would let their emotions about LPNH’s tweets cloud their judgement about the tyranny we are facing. I dont believe most adults are this silly.
Consider your slippery slope argument: Normies will initially accept a little government oppression because of Jeremy’s overly edgy behavior. Then the oppression they tolerate will slowly expand to less and less edgy behavior.
I dont think thats true. I think most adults are smarter than this.
Look at Alex Jones. Six/seven years ago, the government literally ran psyops to convince the public (normies) that Jones is a dangerous lunatic. They used this as the pretext to cancel and bankrupt him and set the precedent that this “minor” oppression is acceptable because Jones is dangerous. But the public/state pushback against Federal censorship and lawfare seems to be very strong right now. And as for Jones, tons of extremely prominent and influential people now stick up for him, and he is more popular than ever before.
I believe that most adults are smart people. They are not dumb sheep who require some “perfectly scripted”, “not-too-edgy-but-just-edgy-enough” message. Basically, I guess I am saying there is no such thing as bad publicity in this situation.
Also, I think Jeremy’s video gave many people a rebellious spirit and courage to stand up. There have been other recent moments like this such as Trump saying “fight fight fight” after the assassination attempt. This kind of spirit is a good thing.