Ep. 142 Explaining John Nash’s Dissertation and Why Russell Crowe Got It Backwards

In the Ron Howard movie “A Beautiful Mind,” Russell Crowe plays John Nash, a major figure in game theory. Although it was a good movie, it totally misconstrues Nash’s doctoral dissertation and how it fit into the pre-existing literature. In this episode, Bob sets the record straight.
Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest:
- John Nash’s doctoral dissertation.
- Bob’s link for Liberty Classroom. (If you click this link and then register, the site will know you came from me.)
- Sylvia Nasar’s book that inspired the Ron Howard movie about Nash. #CommissionsEarned (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
- A good explanation of the Allais Paradox (which shows limits of expected utility theory).
- Bob Murphy Show ep. 96, which starts with critique of use of game theory.
- Help support the Bob Murphy Show.
The audio production for this episode was provided by Podsworth Media.
Thank you for this podcast. I recall watching that movie nearly 20 years ago, and thinking they had got it backwards too. I love equilibrium theory in general, and the Nash equilibrium in particular. Though I do a lot with optimization (mostly MIPs….in a variety of industries), I’ve not had a lot of opportunity to formulate and solve equilibrium models. Great stuff, nonetheless. Thanks again!